
Thursday 22 August 2013

SFIMG Not Working?

SFIMG Not Working? Is it a very good online business where you can earn money, sell your products, promote your business or products? Yes, SFIMG is a very good online business where you can earn money, sell your products, promote your business or products, you can get prizes by win penny auction any many more ways.
SFI (Strong future international ) marketing group which was launched in 1998. When SFI was started they just started from one product now their products are in thousands and much more. SFI created for those people who allow to click from home and get every thing like money , prizes , sell , purchase etc. SFI US based company which is traveling on success from 13 years and its annual sale now crossing millions dollars now. SFI founded by Gery Carson who was a top marketer and record breaking distribute of direct sales. He started SFI in 1998 through Internet all over the world. SFI has its online store which is where you can sell products, buy products and can take part in penny auction . an other part of SFI is WAVE3 you will read and watch what are benefits of WAVE3. Here you will follow the tutorial how can you work on SFI from your home and earn money. Note : If you join sfi today so you must make 500 vp within 24 hours then you will get 200 vp free and after 24 hours you cant get it if you will not make it in first 24 hours after joining it. Step 1: Click here and join it free (Note: when you join sfi you will automatically joined their online store tripleclicks so you don’t have need to sign up there you can login their store with same id and pass which you use on step 2) Step 2: After click on step one scroll down page and fill the form you can take help by image mention below.
Step 3: After completing step 2 check y our email which you used for sign up or register if there is a confirmation email then confirm it and login to your account and when you login to your account you will see like below image. (Note: when you join sfi you will automatically joined their online store tripleclicks so you don’t have need to sign up there you can login their store with same id and pass which you use on step 2) Note : If you join sfi today so you must make 500 vp within 24 hours then you will get 200 vp free and after 24 hours you cant get it if you will not make it in first 24 hours after joining it. You can get 500 vp in first 24 hours very easily from getting started heading table in result you will get 200 vp bonus. if you cant complete 500 vp from getting started tasks then you can get remaining points from intermediate tasks table but be remember when you accumulate 500 vp in first 24 hours then don’t make more points from any other table then just click on daily action tasks which will give you 11 points daily but be sure you should check your versa points after 500 points completed in first 24 hours and remember you will get getting started and intermediate tasks for once not every month so you have to save intermediate tasks but if you can’t make 500 vp in first 24 hours then you can use some tasks from intermediate tasks. VP = versa points you should complete your 1500 versa points every monty for eligibilty of commission on sfi. its very easy for rist month or even 2nd month but after that you have to do some hard work for versa points becaues after 2nd month each month sfi will give you 492 vp (versa points) by just clicking on tabs but remaining versa points you have to make by yourself with little efferot now we will show you how to work daily for just 10 or 15 min on sfi and make versa points. Step 4: You have to work daily in one tab which name is ” to do list “ tab when you login daily just click on to do list and one buy one click all tasks which will show in to do list for your help image mention below. to do list tab is shaded by green rectangle and 2nd shaded rectangle of sky blue color is very important to read its important info about sfi so don’t ignore it. There is a heading ” Versa points ledger” this is a whole points table which show you how many points you get and how many points available to get but remember in first month dont use launchpad tasks points because you have to save them for 2nd month otherwise you need to purchase something from their store (tripleclicks) to complete your monthly 1500versa points.
Step 5: When you click on to do list button you will go to the page which we show above and when you scroll down the page you will see some tables which have different headings like Daily action , weekly action , monthly action , intermediate actions etc. but if you have joined sfi today or first time so when you login it first time and click on to do list you will see some more headings like Getting started , Fast track etc. Step 6: After step 5 you need to login daily and click on to do list tab and scroll down the page then you will see Daily action , weekly action , monthly action etc How to do daily action ? first click on any task which you want to do but our tip is to do task in order from first to last but you have to click first on 2nd task “1/day For reviewing the TIPS tab” and so on. Mention below image will help you .
First task from daily action click on “1/day For reviewing the TIPS tab” when page open scroll down it and click on blue button on the bottom of the page and repeat this process for all tasks in daily action table. if you will click each task in new window that will be fine and very easy to stay on main page but its up to you that how you work. for your help image mention below. Step 7: Now you have to do weekly tasks and monthly tasks. Weekly tasks can be done once in a week and on 2nd week you can do it again once and so on and monthly task you can do just once a month. First task from weekly action Click on any one option from this “30/wk. For sending group support messages via the PSA Mailer, CSA Mailer, or Genealogy Group Mailer “ you can use any option from all once a week. it will give you 30 vp per week. So click on any one option like “Genealogy group mailer” which mostly we use then click on yellow shaded rectangle area in result a popup window will open so type your message about sfi or you can share your experience about sfi.See image below for help
Second task from weekly action click on “5/wk. For reviewing Your TConnect page ” and wait to open complete page then you an view any thing there and this task has been completed so you can close that page. see below image for help
(Note: when you join sfi you will automatically joined their online store tripleclicks so you don’t have need to signup there you can login their store with same id and pass which you use on step 2) Third task from weekly action Click on “3/wk. For submitting a Stream post ” then you will go to new page its image is mention below for your help. You just need to post a message on the empty box and click on submit button both are shaded by yellow color. Step 8: Now you have to do monthly task but you have to wait two month from your joining on SFI then you will allow to do this task. Task from monthly action Click on “10/mo. For completing the SFI/Sponsor/Co-Sponsor ratings form ” then you will see a page where you have to rate something . Note for those people who like auction If you like to play auction then join free Tripleclicks and learn how to work on Tripleclicks with step by step tutorial guide. You can win auctions and also can win tc credits free.